M.Y.T.H. Inc.
Founded: Thu Mar 31 18:34:26 2005
Leader: Skeeve
Members: Cerasi, Argonath, Ulias, Caren, Sebereth, Axis, Trev, Al, Shaitan, Cathurian, Whistler, Cereal, Rage, Thumpit, Skeeve, Annabelle, Mithril, Tumbug, Cadaver
Founded by §keeve, with ideas from the Myth series (by Robert Asprin).
M.Y.T.H. Inc. stands for Magical Young Troubleshooting Heroes Incorporated.
If ya need help, let us know:
-Argonath the wimp -DragonSire Goofy, Loremaster and Archivist
-Trev, Expert Gladiator -Whistler, Rogue Bounty Hunter
-TuMBuG, the Eternal Rock -Mithril, the Enchantress
-Axis, Eternal Pickle -Thumpit, the Hermit
-Ulias Farstrider%^, Battle Shaman -EreBuS, The Unseen
-Sebereth, Master Animal Tamer -Cerasi
Al (LOST) Elysande (LOST) Venus (LOST) Shaitan (LOST)
Thorin (LOST) Dreadnought (LOST) Cathurian (LOST) Cereal (LOST)
Caren (LOST) Annabelle (Stolen...) Norax (LOST) Bug (LOST)
Skeeve... umm yeah, just 'Skeeve'
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%^UNDERLINEClan base dirs: [Mirror Lake] from ftn, do 8 s,3 sw,2 s,w,enter tent