Title: HiLuX, the Archmage of the Inner Sphere Name: Hilux In real life: ??? Race: Pixie Gender: Male Level: 308 Guild: Mage (63) Home Domain: Emerald Toplist: 5 Status: Player (Donator CCCLXVIII) Spouse: Hilux Best party kill: Yeti, beast of the north (class 103782) Best solo kill: Yeti, beast of the north (class 111991) Arch foe: Yeti, beast of the north (class 101475) Clan: Lost Wishes Addicts Association Age: 2 years 28 weeks 5 days 12 hours 3 minutes 18 seconds On since: Sat Oct 5 21:43:52 2024 37 minutes Idle Time No unread mail. No Plan.