Help: lp
LPmud DIKUmud ABERmud TINYmud
help help help help
quit quit quit QUIT
who who who WHO
look at <x> look at <x> look at <x> look <x>
tell <p> <x> tell <p> <x> tell <p> <x> page <p> = <x>
say <x> say <x> say <x> say <x>
"<x> ' <x> "<x> "<x>
emote <x> emote <x> emote <x> pose <x>
:<x> - / <x> :<x>
describe <x> - describe <x> @describe me = <x>
set TITLE <x> - change title me %s <x> @doing <x>
ABERs and DIKUs are not case sensitive. LPs and TINYs are.
LPmuds send lines without returns on as prompts. This can confuse some
clients, so if you are using tinyfugue read /help lp
LPmuds don't have command completion (but check the help entries for
alias, nickname and history to see what they do have instead).
As well as the "emote" command, LPmuds have some pre-written emotes
to save typing. Type "semote" to list them.