Help: newbie
The best way to get started on Lost Wishes is by going through mudschool.
Here, you will not only gain levels and equipment, but also quest points
and a newbie transportation device. After mudschool, you can venture off
to any of the many newbie areas that fill the mud.
Upon reaching level 10 you may join a guild.
See 'help guilds' for further details.
Some useful commands:
wield <weapon> Equip a weapon
unwield <weapon> Unequip a weapon
wear <armor> Equip armor
remove <armor> Unequip armor
l Look around in the room.
score See your current level, stats and more.
eq Shows what objects you have equipped.
consider <monster> Gives an estimate of how tough a creature is.
kill <monster> Start combat.
wimpy <% number> Set the percentage of your hp that you'll flee at.
wimpydir <dir> Set the direction you'll flee in.
compare <item> to <item 2> Allows you to compare weapons/armor.
help <topic>*
* - LW has a detailed help system for guilds and general issues.
The help files are there for a reason!
Some helps with directions:
help docks, help shops, help churches, help newbieareas
A help for some perks for newbies:
help newbieperks