Help: toggleoptions
Many of the features with toggle are described below.
Ansi Color: determines what type of colors the mud will show.
Autoglevel: allows some guilds to glevel automatically.
Autohp: determines how often your hp bar appears.
Autoloot: determines how you will handle items & money from corpses.
coins: automatically pick up coins from defeated foes
items: automatically pick up items from defeated foes
all: automatically pick up coins & items from defeated foes
divvy: automatically split coins between party members
solo: automatically pick up all when not partied
Note) toggle autoloot <option> works also
Autosacrifice: allows you to automatically sacrifice corpses.
Brief Mode: allows you to switch between short/full room descriptions.
Busy: allows you to disable tells from others.
Combat Spam: allows you to shorten your combat melee messages.
Compass: provides a compass view of the room and exits.
Complete Cmds, Complete Items, Complete Socials: the game will try to finish your syntax.
Exit Failmsgs: allows you to either see the valid exits or see an error message.
Exits: allows you to change how room exits appear in the room layout.
Hpbar: allows you to change between types of hpbar layouts.
Screen Reader: allows you to lower spam if you're using a screen reader.
Finger Info: allows you to skip people's plans/projects on finger
Related topic: help toggle