
The Mainland is the largest domain for the time being. With the majestic city of Windaria at its heart, it is surrounded by plains, mountains to the north, forest to the east and west, and desert and ocean to the south. The Mainland offers a large range of killing from various newbie areas to the Keep or the Elemental Hell.

Mainland's Top Areas


The main city and capitol of Mainland, one could also say it is the main city of the mud. The palace of King Joonier is located in the northern part of the city, that and the many various shops make Windaria a city well worth visiting.

Haunted House

The old abandoned house in Mainland is a great place for a new adventurer to get started. It is rumored to be filled with various creatures and monsters. Stories spread rapidly, soon it was known only as the Haunted House.

Necromancer Tower

An old ruined tower stands in the forest of Mainland. Many adventurers venture there once they no longer find enough challenge in the Haunted House. It is the secret coven of a group of Necromancers. Lead by the High Necromancer, they practice their dark arts of necromancy.


The tree-top village of Nitaper is the home of a race of Elves. It is said they don't take to members not of their race very well, and the guards tend to attack on sight. However, should you manage to get past the guards, many treasures and shops await your discovery.

The Labyrinth

The underground maze in northeastern Mainland is the home of many foul beasts. Many adventurers go there and get lost in the long, dark twisting halls, never to be heard from again. But for those who do make it in and out, treasures of every kind await their discovery.

Monsters of Mainland

Lord Althazar

Lord Althazar lives with his family in an old keep in Mainland. He is a veteran of the great wars, and although he now lives a peaceful life, no adventurer who has ever challenged him has ever escaped with their lives. His royal suit of armor offers him the best protection possible.


Deep in the Labyrinth in Mainland lives a vile and feared Hydra. She rules over the lower denizens of the labyrinth with all her power and might. Within her vast treasures is the fabled Ring of Regeneration, though very few adventurers ever escape from her clutches with it.

Sheriff Arg

Arg, the sheriff of Mainland, aids the King in keeping the peace between all the wandering adventurers. They often come to him to file complaints about other adventurers, which he looks over, and if he sees fit, sends Bob the Bounty Hunter after the offender.

King Joonier

King Joonier has ruled over Mainland since the end of the Great Wars. The people love him, and he is a great king, powerful, yet still kind at the same time. Tragedy has struck his family recently when his brother kidnapped the King's baby in a jealous rage over the throne.


Though once worshiped by the multitudes, Chronos, Master of Chance and Fate, has been forgotten, and his temple has fallen into ruin. He is all but impervious to physical attacks, and only the most powerful mages can harm him, but for those who can best him, great treasures await.

Wizards of Mainland Zoo

The Wizards of Mainland Zoo once ruled over all the lands, creating, destroying, and changing things as they saw fit. Over time, vice and insanity drove all of the wizards over the edge. Now they are safely imprisoned in the Zoo for your viewing and killing enjoyment.

Mainland Wizards of the Past

Merc, Lord of Mainland

Few muds have captured me like LW. I first came here in September '96, and haven't left yet :) How I managed to make it to Senior is still a mystery, but I believe it has something to do with the drugs the admins take. LW is a great mud, so quit reading this stupid bio and go play ;)

Kunou, Senior of Mainland

I started playing here almost 3 years ago, around October 28, 1995, to be exact. When I started playing, there was only Mainland, and it was MUCH smaller than it is now. There were only about 3 areas open, and only 2 guilds. Needless to say the mud has come a long way.

Amerita, GreatWiz of Mainland

Back in '97 I was given the chance to become part of Lost Wishes. It has inspired and kept me sane through good times and bad. I am by habit quiet and thoughtful, though even someone like me has found acceptance and friendship here. I am happy to have had the chance to create and share my dreams in such a welcoming environment.

Shadow, Wizard of Mainland

No bio.

Madmax, GreatWiz of Mainland

I've been around since 1998 when a werewolf introduced me to LW. It took a while to get levels back then unlike these new whipper snappers. I was suckered into being a wiz in August of 2000 and wouldn't have it any other way. Lost Wishes is by far the best mud and community there is.

Sunspot, GreatWiz of Mainland

No one's quite sure when she was placed in the wizard's zoo, but the fact is that Sunspot is never leaving. Rumor has it that her affection for pouring gelatinous desserts down people's pants landed her into this cell, but whether this is true or not has yet to be determined.