
I've been an adventurer for over forty years. I've been from one end of this land to the other. I've fought beasts both large and small, pathetic and deadly. After forty years of life on the road, I've hung up my backpack. I thought to settle myself down in a nice bar and spend the last of my years warm and comfortably drunk. But that wasn't to be, as I had adventurers young and old pestering me for stories of my adventures and advice day and night. Then it hit me, I could still make a contribution to adventurers everywhere without leaving my ale. And so I present to you, the first chapter in my Guide Book:

An Adventurer's Guide to Nautica

Nautica Island (4,-45)

Nautica is a bustling trade city located on a small island. The city itself covers the entire island, with its thick, stone walls built right on the edges of the rocky island. Built like a fort, the city is unapproachable on three sides due to strong currents and massive, jagged rocks. Don't let that scare you though, as the harbor is as calm as a lake with plenty of dock space.

Although Nautica does have a King, it is ruled mainly by the Council of Lords. After the tragic destruction of Lord Sult's House, the Council is down to four members: Lord Urgan, Lady Barlin, Lady Suvoir, and Lord Wafar. All laws and declarations are passed by the Council, although the King retains veto power.

The Lords' manor houses are an example of the finest workmanship in the land, each boasting a special feature unique to their ruling Lord or Lady. Lady Barlin's house has a private theatre for entertaining her guests, while Lady Suvoir possesses a fine garden and menagerie of exotic creatures. Lord Urgan has a private library that rivals that of the King himself. And Lord Wafar, well, he's got the best looking servants this side of the famed Brothel of... well, let's just say they're quite fine.

Nautica Slums

There are two separate slums, commonly referred to as the western and eastern slums. The western slums house the darker races, kobolds, goblins, ogres, and orcs. The eastern slums are home to the light races, but don't believe for a second you're any safer there!

Related to both the slums and the recent declaration against the drow, a band of thieves led by angry drow have moved into a series of tunnels under Nautica. Many citizens from both slums have gone to join them, and the problem is getting worse daily.

Nautica's Famous Ship Shop

Nautica's most famous store is its ship shop, run by Captain Rawls. This is the only place in the land to buy a good boat, a necessity for exploring the wild islands.

Nautica Ramparts

The massive ramparts surrounding the city are the number one defense of Nautica. Built on top of the thick walls encasing the city, the ramparts are lined with cannons and ballistae to take down any attacking ships and are manned by well-trained guards and archers in case of attack from within.

Nautica Cemetery (15,-45)

The Nautica Cemetery is located on a tiny island north of the city itself, due to the lack of space on Nautica Island. The cemetery is quite small, containing only crypts of the Lords and the Royal crypt. Commoners are placed on barges and lit aflame to drift out to sea. Those without family to pay for the expense are discreetly dumped into the ocean.

Additional Locations in Nautica

Orca (-300,85)

Orca is a heavily forested island, home to a village of elves hidden deep in the Learnian forest. The elves are welcoming to strangers, and their village contains six druid schools.

Tanica (121,101)

The island of Tanica is little more than a single mountain. Long ago, a cataclysm sank most of the island, leaving Tanica Mountain as the only remnant. Tanica's tunnels are inhabited by undead and often unstable, with stalactites falling regularly.

Dawn (210,300)

The island of Dawn is mainly populated by the Salesians, a disagreeable people. The city is run by Princess Simeril and her brother, Prince Labatt, and is well worth visiting for its shops.

Aspetar (180,475)

Aspetar is known as the Island of the Dragons. While dragons allow the presence of humans, they are quick to anger. Further into the island lies Dragon Valley, where smaller but more aggressive dragons dwell.

Current Builders of Nautica
