Finger: Erebus
Title: EreBuS Tartarus the Grand Gargoyle Master. (Supreme Ruler) {Basalt} Name: Erebus Tartarus In real life: Mors Race: Pixie Gender: Male Level: 115 Guild: Gargoyle (50) Home Domain: Nowhere Toplist: <unlisted> Status: Player (Newbie Helper V) Best party kill: Fabr the Foreman of Essandor (class 44685) Best solo kill: Freejia, the Dark Lady (class 56831) Arch foe: Skayl (class 13659) Clan: Mortium Angeli Age: 13 weeks 4 days 5 hours 3 minutes 10 seconds Last on: Sat Mar 16 00:08:56 2013 No unread mail. No Plan.