Finger: Malek

Title: Unholy Oracle Malek the Mastermind of Malevolence
Name: Malek                           In real life: Lorac                   
Race: Gnome                           Gender: Male                          
Level: 202                            Guild: Acolyte (57)                   
Home Domain: Nautica                  Toplist: 13
Status: Player                        
Best party kill: Fortenzo, the Desert Gypsy Leader (class 62012)
Best solo kill: Dominic, the Desert Nomad (class 34716)
Arch foe: Hotei, God of Happiness (class 67141)
Age: 24 weeks 3 days 11 hours 49 minutes 13 seconds
Last on: Wed Mar 12 06:04:27 2025 
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