Finger: Soar
Title: Master Warlord Soar, of the Murmillons Name: Soar In real life: Ken Gypen Race: Ogre Gender: Male Level: 202 Guild: Gladiator (45) Home Domain: Emerald Toplist: <unlisted> Status: Player (Donator, Newbie Helper IV) Best party kill: Eduardo, the Desert Gypsy (class 37778) Best solo kill: The Loch Ness Monster (class 32048) Arch foe: Leo the Master Wayfarer (pissed) (class 45183) Clan: MuChos LoCos Age: 15 weeks 2 days 22 hours 17 minutes 58 seconds Last on: Fri Jan 25 12:54:26 2013 Soar has not read 1 of his 22 pieces of mail. No Plan.