Finger: Thumpit
Title: Thumpit Hellborn the experienced fighter (heavenly) Name: Thumpit Hellborn In real life: Detiot S [D [D [D [D [D Race: Ogre Gender: Male Level: 111 Guild: Wayfarer (27) Home Domain: Mainland Toplist: <unlisted> Status: Player Best party kill: Platinum, Dragon of Precious Metals (class 4795) Best solo kill: Construction Paper Turkey (class 7404) Arch foe: Bob the Bounty Hunter (class 42534) Clan: M.Y.T.H. Inc. Age: 25 weeks 2 days 4 hours 44 minutes 21 seconds Last on: Mon Mar 3 19:35:37 2014 Thumpit has not read 4 of his 4 pieces of mail. No Plan.