Golem Guild

Golems is Lost Wishes' most unique guild. People who like to learn and experience new things will Love the Golems! Golems are creatures that are made of just about any material, and brought to life with the power of magic.

There are 5 classes of Golems: Flesh, Wood, Clay, Stone, and Iron. You start as flesh, and as you progress can choose to transform into a higher class. Every guild level, you must fight a golem, you obtain your guild level by winning the fight and 'merging' with its corpse, and therefore gaining its strength. Every 20th guild level, you choose what class of golem you fight.

Golems can not wear armor, but rather merge with it. This will replenish your 'condition'. Every time they are hit, there is a chance that their body will deteriorate. A Golems condition is a base of 100, maxing at 200, the higher their condition the higher their resistance to damage. If a Golems condition drops to 0 they will die. Once Their condition is at max, merged armor will replenish their Power factor.

Merging with armor, corpses, drinks, potions, and food replenish the Golems Power Factor. Which is how they regen. As well, 2 or more Golems can merge together to create one larger golem. All merged golems have control over the single larger golem. This is the golems most powerful ability, and is available from the first guild level.

Each class of Golem has its own special ability(s). Once a golem has transformed into a higher class, they will keep the abilities from their former class, as well as the new.

We guarantee that you have never had an experience anything like becoming a Golem. Not on Lost Wishes or any other MUD. We invite you to come and join us in the ranks of the Golems!!

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