Help: Guilds/Guilds
Lost Wishes currently has 15 open guilds.
Type 'help <guildname>' for more info on a particular guild.
The following guilds are open:
Bandit Cleric Dragonspawn
Elementals Gladiator Golem
Mage Werewolf Wayfarer
Acolyte Blackdragon Gargoyle
Necromancers Psionics Engineer
The following guilds are in design, under construction, or playtesting:
Vampire, Mercenaries, Paladins, Alchemists, and Monks.
You can join a guild once you reach level 10. To join you must locate
the guild hall of the guild of your choice.
See 'help <guild>' for directions to the guild hall.
For info about some newbie perks that help with guild joining:
try 'help newbieperks'.
For info about class size of monsters: try 'help size'.