Help: memorial
In loving memory of our departed players, there are memorials scattered
though the world to honor their memory. Each memorial is dedicated to a
specific player and contains information and tributes related to them. You
may visit these memorials to pay your respects and share your memories.
Memorials can be found in the following locations:
Player Primary Guild Domain Directions
Burrow Cleric Central Port of Central, w
Halok Werewolf Emerald CNA, 10 e, n
Saga Werewolf Esdragen GMS, 8 s, 3 w
Fungus Mage Esdragen GMS, 2n
Thumpit Wayfarer Mainland FTN, 9 e, 2 n
Lothar Dragonspawn Mainland FTN, 8 s, 2 se, 8 e, se, 2 s, 2 e, n
Greenie Gladiator Nautica Orca port - A Small Beach Landing