Finger: Lalli

Title: Lalli is a Toy Shop Elf!
Name: Lalli                           In real life: lalli                   
Race: Human                           Gender: Female                        
Level: 524                            Guild: Werewolf (132)                 
Home Domain: Esdragen                 Toplist: 1
Status: Player (Donator LVI, Newbie Helper CDXXIV)
Spouse: Thaldor
Best party kill: Captain Rody (class 81732)
Best solo kill: Yeti, beast of the north (class 94755)
Clan: The Unholy Order
Age: 6 years 41 weeks 2 days 15 hours 27 minutes
On since: Sat Dec 21 22:18:53 2024 
18 minutes Idle Time
No unread mail.
No Plan.