Tfm | TFM |
Gmn | Gotham's Most Nefarious |
Loc | Legions Of Chaos |
Au | Alcoholics Unanimous |
Pandora | Pandora's Disciples |
For | Forresters |
Fantom | FANTOMMenace |
Hf | High Flyers |
Dw | Death Warriors |
Marohard | %^B_MacroHard |
Conv | Convicts |
Tainted | The tainted Ones |
Fam | The Family |
Ds | Death Squadron |
Ab | Anansi Boys |
Idgaf | The Mental Institution |
Mot | Motown Machine |
Lunar | Elite Army of Lunar |
Mon | Money Bin |
Wiked | wiked klowns |
Derp | Legion Of Derp |
Otakus | the_Otaku |
Ocr | The Order of the Crimson Rose |
Dd | Death-Dealers |
Dc | Disorderly Conduct |
Un | UndeadNation |
Myth | M.Y.T.H. Inc. |
Test | Int's Harem |
Kyokuzainc | Kyokuza Inc. |
Hfb | Hellfire and Brimstone |
Aeq | Aequitas |
Angelus | Mortium Angeli |
09022006 | Accursed Disciples |
To | The Order |
Bard | Troubadours |
Lbumz | Lazy Bums |
Kots | Keepers Of The Skies |
Tuo | The Unholy Order |
Tf | The Fallen |
Ww | Dark Covenant (Elders) |
Obh | %^O%^rder of the %^B%^lac%^k Han%^d |
Ifi | Ifrit's Illuminati |
Dri | Drider |
Psychos | Psycho Family |
Bank | Merchant |
Ff | Covert Spy Society |
Pack | Anifey's Chosen |
Ps | Psychosis |
Lwa | Lost Wishes Adicts |
Arena | Shield |
Wk | Knights of the WHITE FIST |
Mylfriders | M.Y.L.F.R.I.D.E.R.S. FLY HIGH |
Dharma | Ad MORTEM |
Pk | Assassin Council (PK) |
Tgc | TeamGateCrashers |
Xrd | Crossroads |
Loco | MuChos LoCos |
Sp | Spare Parts |
Eoe | Edge of Eternity |
Ba | Bladed Alliance |
Lm | Little Meanies |
Wiz | Team Wiz |
Sg | Shadow Guardians |
Lwaa | Lost Wishes Addicts Association |